Yuki Project


Origin: Minas Gerias, Brazil

Farm: Yuki Project (Aequitas Collective)

Process: Natural

What we taste: Brownie Edges, Toasted Sesame, Grape Bubblegum

SKU: N/A Category:

Last Fall, Brandon went to Brazil to meet up with Yuki after years of working with her and bringing her remarkable coffee to you. This conversation with Yuki began last April, about us coming down to select the coffees that would go into this new crop of this Yuki project. Yuki’s QC team chose coffees from their farm in addition to other farms for possible coffees for this new Yuki Project. We spent a whole day cupping different coffees and talking about what we liked and in what direction we'd like this single origin to go. We also evaluated it as a component in our blends. Based on those cuppings and discussions, the team and Rising Star decided that these three coffees would make up this year’s Yuki Project. Yuki’s family’s history in coffee dates back to the late 1920s, when her ancestors arrived in Brazil from Japan. They have been producing coffee in the Rio Paranaiba region since 1975. Despite this deep familial connection to coffee, Yuki did not think she’d be working in coffee. Her passion for the industry grew after assisting her father with market analysis. In 2014, Yuki returned to help with the family business. Today, she is the CEO of Aequitas - working alongside her partner producers to live out their company’s mission of “Fostering equitable and transparent relationships by building connections between producers and the specialty coffee market, mainly roasters and importers.” You can learn more about their impactful work at: Aequitascoffee.com

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A bag of Rising Star Coffee's Yuki Project.
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